Around the globe many people have wonderful ideas how to protect our environment, how to reduce pollution and how to produce sufficient food to feed everybody – to end child hunger, to provide mothers with sufficient food for their families, particularly under aggravated conditions with limited access to basic ingredients.
In this initiative we would like to challenge young students and scientists studying in Food Science and any related scientific areas to demonstrate and visualize their ideas and the potentials of their ideas in short videos.
A Sustainable Food System
Njoku Eberechukwu .U.
Feeding our future
Sonali Raghunath
Healthy and Nutritious Pasta from Corn Cobs
Andra Alifya Ramadhan, Anindya Pelangi Ariaputri, Fadhila Tri Julia Putri, Honey Nathania Marsela, I Kadek Hari Kesuma, Vania Maharani
Super Plasma : Food Protection & Production
Urvi Shah, Manveen Kaur Ahuja
Sustainability of Ladung Tuber
N. Aditya, K. Livia, R. Marini, K. Miswa
Sustainable Protein Ecosystem
S. Manasvini
María Gabriela Rojas Arce, Diana Larios Medina, Rebeca Molina Valverde, Raquel Víquez Montero
Zero Bullshit presents the Better Cracker
LIsa Berger, Sandra Ebert, Pascal Moll
Around the globe many people have wonderful ideas how to protect our environment, how to reduce pollution and how to produce sufficient food to feed everybody – to end child hunger, to provide mothers with sufficient food for their families, particularly under aggravated conditions with limited access to basic ingredients.
In this initiative we would like to challenge young students and scientists studying in Food Science and any related scientific areas to demonstrate and visualize their ideas and the potentials of their ideas in short videos.